You’ve probably heard that Student Centered Learning is changing the way we teach today. However, there are still questions about what exactly it is and how to implement it. After all, teachers have always put their students first. So, what is the real change that this method implies?

Relying on the child’s personality and individual characteristics can yield incredible subject results. We figure out what personality-oriented learning is, why success situations are needed, and how a teacher can apply this approach in classes.
The concept of Student Centered Learning is used quite often today. The popularity of this approach is largely due to the fact that in modern society, simply having information is not enough. It is important to be able to think critically, justify your point of view and offer new ideas, and student-centered methods allow you to develop these important skills.
Within the framework of this concept, the main value in the learning process becomes the child’s personality and the revelation of his individual characteristics.
Principles of Student Centered Learning
- The principle of subjectivity – The main task for a child in the learning process is no longer the need to remember the teacher’s words and then repeat them. Now the student becomes an active participant in the learning process, determines its goal.
- Reliance on the individual’s experience – Many researchers of this approach (A.S. Belkin, D.A. Belukhin, E.V. Bondarevskaya, I.S. Yakimanskaya) emphasized that it is important for the teacher to rely on the child’s existing experience. Thus, when studying a new theory, it is worth including examples related to what the student already knows.
- Cooperation in joint activities – During training, the student works both individually and in a group. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve a balance between the process of socialization of the child and the development of his individuality.
- Developmental nature of learning – In the process of learning, not only knowledge, skills and abilities develop, but also different types of thinking and activity develop. The child learns to go beyond the boundaries of the environment already familiar to him. He performs actions that are difficult for him to do completely independently, but they become feasible thanks to the help of the teacher. Thus, learning occurs in the zone of proximal development of the child.
- The principle of variability – During the learning process, the teacher uses different methodological techniques that are selected depending on the personal characteristics of the student. For example, if the child prefers creative tasks, then during the test, you can ask him to give an answer on the studied material in a creative form (write an essay, make a mind map , etc.).
The Role of the Teacher in the Student-centered Approach
An important task of the teacher in such a system is to simultaneously work on teaching the subject and developing the child’s personality.
To achieve this goal, the teacher needs to work on creating a trusting atmosphere in the classroom. After all, only in a comfortable environment will the student be ready to freely express his thoughts and emotions. It is important for the teacher to show understanding, tolerance and respect for the uniqueness of each student.
Traditional lesson | Personally – oriented lesson |
1. Teaches all students an established amount of knowledge, skills | 1. Promotes the effective accumulation by each student of their own personal experience |
2. Determines the training tasks, the form of work of students and demonstrates to them a sample of the correct completion of tasks | 2. Offers students to choose from various training tasks and forms of work, encourages children to independently search for solutions to these tasks |
3. He tries to interest schoolchildren in the educational material that he offers | 3. Strives to identify the real interests of students and agree with them the selection and organization of educational material |
4. Conducts individual classes with lagging or most trained students | 4. Conducts individual work with each student |
5. Planes and directs children’s activities | 5. Helps students plan their own activities |
6. Evaluates the results of the work of schoolchildren, noting and correcting mistakes | 6. Encourages students to independently evaluate their performance and correct mistakes |
7. Determines the rules of conduct in the class and monitors their observance by students | 7. Teaches students to independently develop rules for teaching and monitor compliance |
8. Allows conflicts between students: encourages the right and punishes those responsible | 8. Encourages students to discuss conflict situations between them and independently look for ways to resolve them. |
Within the framework of the personality-oriented approach, it is the teacher who organizes the process of developing
self-assessment and reflection skills. It is he who must help the student to recognize his strengths and weaknesses, as well as set realistic goals and plan his development.
Examples of Practical Application of the Person-centered Approach
Creating a Situation of Success in the Lesson of NCedCloud
The situation of success is one of the main methods of personality-oriented education. The main task of this method is the purposeful creation of a set of conditions that allow achieving high results in the students’ activities.
Below I propose to consider 6 basic operations that will allow creating a situation of success in the lesson.
To create such a situation, the first step is to remove the fear of making a mistake . The following phrases in a conversation with a student can help: “We all try and search, this is the only way something can work out”, “People learn from their mistakes and find other solutions” . You can also share a personal story about when you made a mistake, but in the end not only corrected it, but also came to a good result.
I suggest that my students complete the following assignment in social studies classes. During a lesson on the topic “Criminal Law,” the class is divided into pairs, and each student’s task is to write an example of a story in which the main characters are characters from Russian folk tales: Kolobok, the Gray Wolf, the Frog Princess, and others.
The heroes commit offenses and are held accountable for them according to the Russian Federation law. But the peculiarity of the task is that the students need to specifically make 5 mistakes in the story, and the partner’s task is to find all the inaccuracies. Such a task allows you to relieve tension, create a friendly atmosphere and stop being afraid of mistakes.
Usually, while the children are doing such a task, I approach the students who may find such creative work difficult and direct their reasoning with the following phrases: “Perhaps it is best to start with a list of offenses that you remember well,” “When doing the work, do not forget to indicate the punishment measures .” This is the second step in creating a situation of success for the student – covertly instructing the child in the methods and forms of performing the activity .
An important stage during the implementation of this technique is the part with the discussion of motivation. It is necessary to discuss with the child why the performance of this or that action will be useful for him personally and for others. Sometimes this stage is also called rational, that is, the answer to the question: “What is it for?“
It is best to include the rational at the beginning of work with students. So before completing the task, you can tell the students: “Thanks to solving this task, you will be able to get 3 points on the exam” , “having completed this exercise correctly, we will be able to understand for sure whether there are any questions left on the new topic.”
These can also be phrases to motivate classmates to help: “Without your help, your comrades won’t be able to cope…”, “Your actions will contribute to the group work, which you will then defend.”
The fourth step is adding personal exclusivity to the lesson. It helps to indicate the importance of the child’s efforts in the upcoming or ongoing activity. After all, already in the process of work, the student may encounter difficulties, and here it is important that he does not stop.
Such phrases from the teacher can help support the student and emphasize his individuality: “Only you could…”, “I can’t ask anyone else to do this, so let’s try again”, “You have all the data to do this…” .
The next step towards creating a situation of success in the lesson is mobilization of activity or pedagogical suggestion. The point of this stage is to motivate the child to perform specific actions and move from discussion to practice. The following formulations are well suited for this:
“We can’t wait to start working…”, “We really want to see…”
And the final step will be a discussion of the results , during which special attention is paid to the evaluation of details. This approach allows emotionally experiencing the success of not the result as a whole, but some of its individual details. When summing up the work, the teacher can resort to such phrases: “You were especially successful with that explanation”, “What I liked most about your work is…”, “This part of your work deserves the highest praise” .
Other Methods of Student-centered Education
Using tasks of varying difficulty levels
Thus, when checking homework, students can be offered different formats for answers, which allows you to question students depending on their preparedness.
Thus, students with a weaker level of knowledge can be called for an oral survey (both from their seats and at the board). Moreover, the questions should be as specific as possible, only on homework material. If the child is unable to answer them, then it is worth asking leading questions.
Students with an average level of preparedness can answer additional questions in addition to the standard ones, develop a deeper understanding of the issue, and it is worth developing a desire for a more comprehensive understanding of the topic. Such students can be called upon to check tasks, or it is possible to use task checking with the help of mini-testing.
Stronger students usually approach homework creatively, so they should be given additional questions that require logical thinking.
Adaptation of tasks to the individual characteristics of the student
Within the framework of the lesson, you can adapt the tasks not only based on the student’s level of knowledge, but also rely on the child’s personality traits. I will share an example of my colleague, a physics teacher at the Maximum Education educational center, Artem Askarov:
“In class, I offer students who like to ask questions and meticulously understand the details of a new topic to help me and the whole class with calculations in formulas. I involve students who can be called fidgets more during experiments and discussions of practical things.”
Appeal to the student’s personal experience
One of the principles of personality-oriented education is to rely on the child’s personal experience. So, to better understand a difficult section in geometry – stereometry – the teacher of mathematics at Maximum Education Angelina Khramenkova asks students to bring their favorite fruit or vegetable to class, and then the students cut it and thus better understand the basic principles of cutting figures.
All these examples of the application of a personality-oriented approach are united by a special approach of the teacher to his classes, the main goal of which is not just the transfer of knowledge, but the development of the personality of each student.
What is it and how has it changed teaching?
To begin with, it is a change of perspective. The focus of the class shifts from being on the teacher to being on the student.

When we imagine a traditional classroom, the teacher is the main figure and the students act as the audience. In Student Centered Learning there is no audience, the students are the protagonists of their own learning process and the teacher becomes a guide who helps them navigate that path of discovery.
What is Student Centered Learning?
This approach privileges the individuality of students, rather than penalizing it as occurs in traditional education. It also takes into account external factors that influence the process, whether cognitive, affective, developmental, personal and/ or social factors.
When it comes to putting the student at the centre of the learning process, their personality traits, previous experiences, what interests them, what motivates them, what their abilities are and what they really need to learn are taken into account.
How to Apply it in the Classroom?
Now, how to achieve this level of specificity in learning efficiently in a classroom with several students? Well, a methodology is required that completely changes everything from the structure of the classes to the performance of teachers and students.
In Student Centered Learning, students are empowered and take responsibility for their learning process. By being in control of their learning, students can decide at what pace to go and how much information to process.
Therefore, new methodologies that focus on the student demand active participation from them, such as watching videos or reading before classes , not after, as traditional education assignments dictate.
In this way, the student comes to the sessions with prior knowledge that has aroused his curiosity, so he is more inclined to participate in the class, while the teacher guides the session and no longer gives the entire lesson, but delves into practical exercises, clears up doubts and presents concepts that complement what the student learned on his own.
And now, four years later, my company has reached its next milestone. Savvy Auntie has partnered with Weber Shandwick and KRC Research, and together, we released a groundbreaking new study this week entitled: The Power of the PANK: Engaging New Digital Influencers. PANK — or Professional Aunt No Kids — is the term I coined for this powerful niche of women when I founded my company.
General academic performance | Quality academic performance | SOU | |
Russian language | 100% | 68.4% | 58% |
Literaryreading | 100% | 89% | 76% |
Mathematics | 100% | 57.8% | 54% |
This reversal of the equation opens up a space for debate and discussion of ideas that enhance student learning and that traditional education, with the teacher lecturing non-stop for an hour, does not have.
The role of the teacher using NcedCLOUD
It is mistakenly believed that in this new version of education, the teacher assumes a passive role when, in reality, it is more important to have educators who are awake, attentive to the student’s learning and ready to provide the guidelines in the classroom that will guide the process.
Teachers take on the task of knowing the reality and particularities of each student in order to understand their learning process and be able to guide them appropriately.
Evaluation is another aspect that changes in this model: The teacher has the responsibility of evaluating students based on their abilities and progress, taking into account who they are, their strengths and areas for improvement.
Another important aspect is that in this type of learning the student is also part of the evaluation, even having the possibility of deciding how he prefers to demonstrate the knowledge acquired based on his abilities.
Additionally, he/she maintains the responsibility of leading the group and transmitting the basic aspects that the student needs to receive from an authority figure, such as values, norms , and even the learning methodology itself.
The background of this method
This new way of doing things is not as new as one might think. Theorists such as John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, Carl Rogershan and Maria Montessori have focused their work on understanding how students learn and the importance of prior activities before coming to the classroom and their interaction with knowledge independently.
Having a solid theoretical framework, this method has received a significant welcome in current teaching and is being applied more and more. For this reason, the Master’s Degree in University Teaching and Educational Management of the Technological University of Peru is applying this method so that the student learns and lives a learning experience centered on him.
The implementation of this model, despite the goal, is impossible without leveling the student’s personality. On the contrary, this model ultimately leads to the development of such personality traits in students as conformism, obedience, passivity, etc. The formation of such personal qualities in students in this model is achieved by the authoritarianism of teachers.
The key concepts and links of personality-oriented learning are as follows: personality-oriented approach, individuality, personality, self-expression, subject, subjectivity, subjective experience, learning strategy, personality development trajectory, students’ cognitive style, self-concept, teacher’s teaching style.
Student-centered learning (SCL) is a type of learning that prioritizes the child’s uniqueness, his or her intrinsic value, and the subjectivity of the learning process.
Personally-oriented learning is not simply taking into account the characteristics of the subject of learning; it is a different methodology for organizing learning conditions, which presupposes not “taking into account” but “inclusion” of his own personal functions or the demand for his subjective experience.
The goal of personality-oriented education is to “instill in the child the mechanisms of self-realization, self-development, adaptation, self-regulation, self-defense, self-education and others necessary for the formation of an original personal image.”
Functions of personality-oriented education :
- humanitarian, the essence of which is the recognition of the intrinsic value of a person and ensuring his physical and moral health, awareness of the meaning of life and an active position in it, personal freedom and the possibility of maximum realization of one’s own potential. The means (mechanisms) for implementing this function are understanding, communication and cooperation;
- culture-creating (culture-forming), which is aimed at preserving, transmitting, reproducing and developing culture by means of education. The mechanisms for implementing this function are cultural identification as the establishment of a spiritual connection between a person and his people, the acceptance of their values as one’s own and the construction of one’s own life taking them into account;
- socialization, which involves ensuring the assimilation and reproduction by the individual of social experience, necessary and sufficient for a person to enter the life of society. The mechanism for implementing this function is reflection, preservation of individuality, creativity as a personal position in any activity and a means of self-determination.
The implementation of these functions cannot be carried out in the conditions of a command-administrative, authoritarian style of relations between the teacher and the students. In a personality-oriented education, a different position of the teacher is assumed:
- an optimistic approach to the child and his future as a desire of the teacher to see the prospects for the development of the child’s personal potential and the ability to maximally stimulate his development;
- attitude towards the child as a subject of his own educational activity, as an individual capable of learning not under duress, but voluntarily, by his own desire and choice, and of showing his own activity;
- reliance on the personal meaning and interests (cognitive and social) of each child in learning, facilitating their acquisition and development.
The criteria for the effective organization of personality-oriented learning are the parameters of personal development.
Thus, summarizing the above, we can give the following definition of student-centered learning:
“Personally-oriented learning” is a type of learning in which the organization of interaction between learning subjects is maximally oriented towards their personal characteristics and the specifics of personal-subject modeling of the world (3, p.127).
An individual is a person as a representative of a genus, possessing certain genotypic properties, biologically determined qualities (biorhythms, body structure, psychophysiological characteristics).
Individuality (from the Latin “individual”) is the unique, unrepeatable originality of each person who carries out his life activity as a subject of his own development.
Personality is a person as a bearer of social relations, having a stable system of socially significant values that determine his belonging to a particular social group.
In proposing her concept of personality-oriented education, Yakimanskaya proceeds from the following provisions:
- The educational process at all levels (primary, middle, senior classes) is built on the basis of uniform principles, goals and values.
- The value of school: creating the most favorable conditions for the development of the student’s personality as an individual.
- School is a social institution where every child should develop into a unique, inimitable individual.
The goal of training in personally-oriented education: to create systems of psychological and pedagogical conditions that allow working in a single class group with an orientation not toward the “average” student, but with each student individually, taking into account individual cognitive abilities, needs and interests.
The main function of the educational process: organization of individual knowledge and individual development.
In the system of personality-oriented education, the main task is to use the student’s subjective experience for educational purposes. Subjective experience is the experience of the student’s own life activity, the experience of his cognition, socialization, self-development, self-realization.
Personally-oriented learning develops the following skills:
- independently acquire and creatively use the knowledge gained;
- make independent and responsible decisions;
- plan your activities, forecast and evaluate their results;
- take responsibility for yourself and your surroundings;
- build collaborative and supportive relationships with other people.
The use of the student’s subjective experience involves the development of special didactic material that ensures:
- identifying the student’s individual selectivity towards the type, kind, and form of material;
- providing the student with freedom of choice of this material when acquiring knowledge;
- identifying various ways of working through educational material, and their constant use when solving various cognitive tasks.
The main pedagogical condition is the continuity of knowledge.
In the process of the work itself, an important place is given to assessment, and assessment of not only the final result, but also the process of completing the task by the student. Assessment notes the strengths and weaknesses of the work, with its help, an analysis of errors is carried out, ways of solving the problem and recommendations for further work are developed. Assessment is always derived from the content and requirements of the tasks. But it should record not the level of assimilation of knowledge, but the nature of the organization of the student’s activity in mastering its content.
A mark is a kind of reference point, reflecting social requirements for the content and level of the owner of knowledge, skills, abilities, and for educational behavior in general. That is, a mark is a tool for comparing the achievements of students with each other and the student with himself. A mark is fixed on the result, an assessment on the process. Thus, an assessment should perform two functions: diagnostic and predictive. And a mark – controlling and stimulating.
The interaction between a teacher and students is an exchange of experience in learning and creativity.
The teacher acts as a bearer of socio-cultural patterns. And in this sense, he should not be authoritarian, but authoritative for the students.
The socio-pedagogical model was based on the pedagogy of social order – to educate a personality with predetermined properties. Society, through all existing educational institutions, formed a typical model of such a personality. The task of the school was to ensure that each student, as he or she matured, corresponded to this model, was its specific bearer. The personality was understood as a kind of typical phenomenon, an “average” version, as a bearer and exponent of mass culture. Hence the basic social requirements for the personality: subordination of individual interests to public ones, conformism, obedience, collectivism, etc. The educational process was oriented towards creating equal learning conditions for everyone, in which everyone achieved the planned results (universal ten-year education, “struggle” with repetition, children with deviant forms of behavior, isolation of children with various mental development disorders, etc.).
The subject-didactic model of personality-oriented pedagogy that has developed to date is associated with the organization of scientific knowledge in a system taking into account its subject content. This is a kind of subject differentiation that ensures an individual approach to teaching. The means of individualization of teaching were the knowledge itself, and not its specific carrier – the developing student. Knowledge was organized according to the degree of its objective difficulty, novelty, level of its integration, taking into account rational methods of assimilation, “portions” of material presentation, complexity of its processing, etc. Didactics was based on subject differentiation aimed at identifying: 1) student preferences for working with material of different subject content; 2) interest in its in-depth study; 3) student orientation towards classes in different types of subject (professional) activity.
This indicates that at a certain historical stage of development of the Russian comprehensive school, the organization of knowledge in scientific areas, programmed, problem-based learning were recognized as the main source of a personality-oriented approach to the student. A situation was created in which differentiated forms of pedagogical influence determined the content of personal development.
Until recently, the psychological model of personality-oriented pedagogy was reduced to the recognition of differences in cognitive abilities, understood as a complex mental formation, conditioned by genetic, anatomical-physiological, social causes and factors in their complex interaction and mutual influence.
The theory and practice of personality-oriented teaching technology was developed by: A.V. Petrovsky, V.I. Slobodchikov, G.A. Tsukerman, I.S. Yakimanskaya and others. All educators-researchers believe that personality development comes to the forefront in personality-oriented education. Thus, the implementation of a personality-oriented approach in education is possible if the following conditions are met:
– Availability of comfortable and safe learning conditions;
– Implementation of education of self-regulating behavior of the individual;
– Formation and development of thinking;
– Taking into account the level of abilities and capabilities of each student in the learning process;
– Adaptation of the educational process to the characteristics of student groups.
Personality-oriented learning assumes a step-by-step nature of the learning process: from studying the student’s personality through awareness and correction of the personality, and is based, at its core, on cognitive aspects.
The implementation of a personality-oriented approach is impossible without studying the student’s personality. In this case, it is necessary to identify and take into account the psychophysiological characteristics of the student, his interests, life values, personal needs, etc.
Another important factor is the assessment of knowledge. Here, not only the final knowledge is assessed, but also the student’s efforts. This situation is especially important for the implementation of emotional support for adolescents with a low level of intellectual development and the stimulation of more productive learning activities of students with a high level of intellectual abilities.
A student-centered lesson, implemented taking into account its values and pedagogical goals, differs from a traditional lesson. (Table 1)
Table 1. Comparative characteristics of the teacher’s activities during a traditional and personality-oriented lesson.
Traditional lesson | Personalized lesson |
Teaches all children a set amount of knowledge, skills and abilities. | Promotes the effective accumulation of each child’s own personal experience. |
Distributes educational tasks, the form of work for children and demonstrates to them an example of the correct completion of tasks. | Offers children a choice of various educational tasks and forms of work, encourages children to independently search for ways to solve these tasks. |
Tries to interest children in the educational material that the teacher himself offers. | Strives to identify the real interests of children and coordinate with them the selection and organization of educational materials. |
Provides additional individual lessons for struggling children. | Works individually with each child. |
Carries out planning of children’s activities in a certain direction. | Helps children plan their activities independently. |
Evaluates the results of children’s work, noticing and correcting the mistakes they make. | Encourages children to independently evaluate the results of their work and correct mistakes. |
Determines the rules of conduct in the classroom and monitors their implementation. | Teaches children to independently develop rules of conduct and monitor their implementation. |
Resolves conflicts that arise between children: encourages the right and punishes the guilty. | Encourages children to discuss emerging conflict situations and independently seek ways to resolve them. |
Thus, personality-oriented learning provides each student with the opportunity to study the educational material at various levels (but not below the basic level), depending on intellectual abilities and individual preferences. The means of developing the student’s intellectual abilities in personality-oriented learning are the desire for personality development, providing the student with the opportunity for active cognitive activity through feasible independent work and providing creative freedom.
One of the most important features by which all pedagogical technologies are distinguished is the degree of its orientation towards the child, the approach to the child. Either the technology is based on the power of pedagogy, the environment, other factors, or it recognizes the child as the main actor – it is personally oriented.
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The term “approach” is more precise and more understandable: it has a practical meaning. The term “orientation” reflects primarily the ideological aspect.
The focus of personality-oriented technologies is the unique, integral personality of a growing person who strives for the maximum realization of his or her capabilities (self-actualization), is open to the perception of new experiences, and is capable of making conscious and responsible choices in various life situations. The key words of personality-oriented educational technologies are “development,” “personality,” “individuality,” “freedom,” “independence,” and “creativity.”
Personality is the social essence of a person, the totality of his social qualities and properties that he develops throughout his life.
Development is a directed, natural change; as a result of development, a new quality arises.
Individuality is the unique originality of any phenomenon or person; the opposite of the general, typical.
Creativity is a process that can result in a product. Creativity comes from within the person and is an expression of our entire existence.
Personality-oriented technologies try to find methods and means of teaching and education that correspond to the individual characteristics of each child: they adopt psycho diagnostic methods, change the relationships and organization of children’s activities, use various teaching aids, and restructure the essence of education.
Personality-oriented technologies oppose the authoritarian, impersonal and soulless approach to the child in traditional teaching technologies, creating an atmosphere of love, care, cooperation, conditions for creativity and self-actualization of the individual.
The teacher’s means of achieving this goal:
- the use of various forms and methods of organizing educational activities that allow for the disclosure of the subjective experience of students;
- creating an atmosphere of interest for each student in the work of the class;
- encouraging students to speak out and use different methods to complete tasks without fear of making mistakes;
- the use of didactic material that allows the student to choose the type and form of educational content that is most significant for him;
- assessment of the student’s performance not only by the final result (correct-incorrect), but also by the process of achieving it;
- encouraging the student to find his own way of completing the task, analyzing the way other students work during the lesson, choosing and evaluating the most rational ones;
- creation of pedagogical situations of communication in the classroom that allow each student to show initiative, independence, and ingenuity in the methods of completing the task; providing an opportunity for natural self-expression of the student.
The main approaches to personality-oriented education:
Multi-level approach — orientation to different levels of complexity of program material accessible to the student. Differences in the main number of students by level of learning ability are reduced, first of all, to the time required for the student to master the educational material. Level differentiation is carried out by dividing the class (study group, team) for separate training at different levels (basic and variable).
Differentiated approach – identification of groups of children based on external (more precisely, mixed) differentiation: by knowledge, abilities, type of educational institution.
Individual approach – distribution of children into homogeneous groups: academic performance, abilities, social (professional) orientation.
A lesson should be educational, developing and educating in nature, enriching the student with new knowledge, skills and abilities, developing cognitive interest, observation, speech and thinking, creative activity. Psychological and pedagogical studies of recent decades have shown that of primary importance is not so much the teacher’s knowledge of age and individual characteristics, as taking into account the personal characteristics and capabilities of students. The personal approach underlying the construction of the content of education is understood as reliance on personal qualities. The latter express characteristics that are very important for education – the direction of the personality, its value orientations, life plans, formed attitudes, dominant motives of activity and behavior. Neither age taken separately, nor individual personality traits (character, temperament, will, etc.), considered in isolation from the named leading qualities, provide sufficient grounds for a high-quality personality-oriented educational result. Value orientations, life plans, personality direction are certainly associated with age and individual characteristics. But only the priority of the main personal characteristics leads to the correct accounting of these qualities.
Considering the increased level of knowledge of modern schoolchildren, their diverse interests, the teacher himself must develop comprehensively: not only in the field of his specialty, but also in the field of politics, art, general culture, he must be a high example of morality for his students, a bearer of human dignity and values.
Some teachers mistakenly believe that an individual approach is required only for “difficult” students, those who violate the rules of conduct and those who are failing in their studies. Undoubtedly, these students need increased attention. But we must not forget the “successful” ones either. Behind external well-being there may be unseemly thoughts, motives, and actions. No one should ever be suspected of this, but attention must be paid to everyone.
The principle of a personal approach requires that in the learning process the teacher:
1) constantly studied and knew well the individual characteristics of temperament, character traits, views, tastes, and habits of his students;
2) was able to diagnose and knew the real level of development of such important personal qualities as way of thinking, motives, interests, attitudes, personality orientation, attitude to life, work, value orientations, life plans and others;
3) constantly involved each student in educational activities that were within his capabilities and increasingly complex in difficulty, ensuring the progressive development of the individual;
4) promptly identified and eliminated the reasons that could prevent the achievement of the goal, and if these reasons could not be identified and eliminated in time, promptly changed the educational tactics depending on the new conditions and circumstances;
5) relied as much as possible on the individual’s own activity;
6) combined upbringing and education with self-education and self-education of the individual, helped in the choice of goals, methods, forms of self-education and self-education;
7) developed independence, initiative, and self-activity of the students, not so much leading as skillfully organizing and directing activities leading to success.
The comprehensive implementation of these requirements eliminates the simplification of age-based and individual approaches, obliges the teacher to take into account not the superficial, but the deep development of processes, and to rely on the laws of cause-and-effect relationships.
A student-centered lesson is not just about creating a friendly atmosphere, but a constant appeal to the student’s subjective experience as the experience of his or her own life. Working with subjective experience in a lesson involves the use of various forms of communication that facilitate genuine cooperation between the teacher and students, aimed at a joint analysis of the learning process. The main idea of a student-centered lesson is to reveal the content of the students’ subjective experience on the topic under consideration, to align it with the assigned knowledge, to translate it into the corresponding scientific content, and thereby achieve assimilation of the material. In a lesson, the teacher helps the student overcome the limitations of his or her subjective experience, which often exists in the form of disparate ideas.
An important feature of a personality-oriented lesson is its reliance on psychophysical prerequisites that enable the student to successfully master the program material.
Thus, it can be concluded that the use of personality-oriented learning technology has made it possible to significantly improve the quality of education compared to the traditional form of teaching.
Personally-oriented learning is distinguished by faith in each child, in his/her strengths, in his/her success. Each has his/her own personal experience, interests, abilities: The main thing in working on development is to take into account that the results of this work may not be immediately apparent. Therefore, without stopping this work, one must patiently wait and believe in its results. It would seem that the nature of learning has changed slightly, but these changes are very important – they form learning motivation. At the same time, readiness for education includes the ability to apply knowledge in a non-standard situation, to obtain it in the process of search activities (under the guidance of a teacher and independently), the ability to solve a learning problem creatively, as well as to control and evaluate one’s activities.
Another component of development is the student’s control and evaluation activity. A junior schoolchild develops the ability to find mistakes in himself, objectively evaluate the results of his activity, independently correct inaccuracies, etc. How to change the existing control and evaluation activity in order to develop self-control and self-esteem in each child?
A student, like any other person, should clearly understand whether he or she is doing any task well or badly, correctly or incorrectly. I see my task as forming this understanding in children. This means that we analyze together each task completed by the child, we analyze what is done absolutely correctly and what is not yet good enough. In the process of educational work, schoolchildren develop an awareness that when completing certain tasks, it is necessary to check and control themselves, critically evaluate their activities, independently find mistakes and look for ways to eliminate them. I pay attention not so much to the assessment of the results of students’ activities, but to a qualitative analysis of the educational activity itself, the attitude of each student to it, the share of his or her independence.
In personally-oriented learning, the role of the teacher remains very important: he leads the discussion, asks leading questions, prompts, but for the students in this case he is an equal partner in educational communication. I try to conduct the educational process in such a way that children learn to independently acquire knowledge and are not afraid of difficulties. Students always feel support from the teacher and are not afraid to make mistakes. When studying new material, I encourage children at each stage of learning so that they feel self-confident.
This structure of training allows students to express erroneous opinions, not to be afraid of making a mistake in reasoning. Under the influence of arguments expressed by peers, to correct it, and this is personally significant cognitive activity. Schoolchildren develop critical thinking, self-control and self-esteem, which reflects a fairly high level of their general abilities.
- Firstly, students are given a new role – “researchers” – and under the “hidden” guidance of the teacher they discover new knowledge.
- Secondly, the learning process becomes not reproductive, but exploratory and creative. At the same time, the focus on thinking ensures the development of exploratory, research activities, and a well-developed imagination makes it possible to solve any educational task proactively and creatively.
- Thirdly, the most important teaching method is not a model, which usually opens the process of acquiring new knowledge, but a choice, an alternative, that is, providing students with the opportunity to choose a model of the correct algorithm of educational activity through reflection.
Fourthly, it becomes fundamentally important to rely on two principles of learning: accessibility as a measure of difficulty, and clarity as didactic support for the learning process.
Personally-oriented learning as a principle of building a modern educational process in primary school makes it possible not to miss a single student from the first steps of learning at school, not to leave him aside, both at each stage of the lesson and throughout the entire lesson. The student develops, overcomes the next step to the top of knowledge and realizes for what purpose he does this. And this means that the knowledge will be strong, and the child will be able to apply it in life.
Of course, when developing a child’s personality, the teacher himself needs to improve his communication skills based on the psychological attitude: there are no bad children, they are just different, not like me in their ways of thinking, methods of working with information.
Frequently Asked Questions
What characterizes Student Centered Learning?
Student Centered Learning is characterized by a shift in perspective where the focus of the class shifts from the teacher to the student. Students become the protagonists of their learning process, with the teacher acting as a guide. This approach values the individuality of students and considers the external factors that influence their learning, promoting an educational process adapted to their needs, interests and abilities.
How is Student Centered Learning applied in the classroom?
To implement Student Centered Learning in the classroom, a methodology is required that actively involves the student in their learning process. This includes participation in activities such as watching videos or doing readings before class, allowing the student to arrive with prior knowledge. The teacher guides the session towards practical exercises, clarification of doubts and discussion of ideas, rather than dictating the entire lesson, thus encouraging more interactive and personalized learning.
What is the role of the teacher in Student Centered Learning?
In Student Centered Learning, the teacher takes on an active and crucial role, although different from the traditional model. He or she becomes a guide who knows the particularities of each student in order to guide their learning process appropriately. The teacher evaluates the students based on their abilities and progress, and leads the group by transmitting values, norms and learning methodologies. In addition, the Student account has an active role in the Professional development, being able to influence how he or she demonstrates the acquired knowledge.
I am one of those who firmly believe that the university should not be a mere transit in our lives; rather, it is we who must go beyond and exert influence in the university, taking an active role in our academic experience. Throughout my career I have participated in different student representation bodies, which has allowed me to critically examine the role of institutional responsibility in activating student participation and explore the potential social impact of university institutions.
Student participation goes beyond the formalities of attending meetings and voting on key decisions. It is about actively involving students in their own learning process, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility in building a pleasant and participatory academic environment.
During my tenure, I have been able to observe the disinterest that often surrounds students, a disinterest that is not inherent, but the result of a lack of connection between university institutions and the student community that has grown in recent years due to the COVID pandemic and from which we are still recovering in terms of student engagement and participation. I am optimistic when I say that the student body is getting back on its feet after several years of hiatus.
The need for inclusive environments and reconciliation policies in universities
Universities face major challenges in fostering student participation by creating enabling environments that value diversity of opinions. This involves not only allowing participation, but also ensuring that student voices are considered in decision-making processes and that all students have equal opportunities to carry out their representative and even social activities within university campuses.
According to Notkin, the PANK, or “Professional Aunt, No Kids” – an acronym she coined— now describes 23 million, or one in five, women in the U.S. (curiously, the same percentage of females the 2010 Pew report found who reached the end of their childbearing years childless).
My experience allows me to say that students cannot balance their work and family life. Universities do not implement policies of balance where students can carry out social and cultural activities or attend meetings of collegiate bodies at appropriate times within our schedules, thus creating an exclusion of a large part of the student body from these activities where only those who can afford to miss class, have free time in the afternoons or not working are those who can lead student participation, associations or sports clubs.
I always say that public universities have the perfect tools to foster creativity and entrepreneurship among their students. The possibility of creating startups, participating in cultural associations, doing exchanges or learning languages presents a range of opportunities. However, despite these available resources, a considerable challenge questions has emerged: the lack of effective communication between academic institutions and their students. Institutions must actively seek innovative methods to reach university students, rethinking their strategies, otherwise we would be losing talent and opportunities for students.
The university should not simply be a place to acquire knowledge, but a space to develop skills, foster curiosity and cultivate a critical spirit. Therefore, an environment must be created that inspires collaboration, dialogue and intellectual commitment, and that is an institutional duty of the highest governing bodies of universities.
In my role as a student representative, I have learned that participation is not only valuable for the improvement of the academic environment, but essential for a complete education, as it provides knowledge and skills that university degrees cannot offer. In addition, I have felt the urgency for the university to assume its role in the formation of conscious and committed citizens far from ignorance. The social responsibility of the university is not only manifested in its capacity to form competent students, but also socially responsible individuals, aware of the world in which we live and the global problems that we must address together, leaving individualism aside.
This commitment goes beyond the classroom, extending to participation in community projects, sustainability initiatives and the promotion of ethical values. The university must create social leaders who contribute to the construction of a more just, equitable and egalitarian society. By working together, students, teachers and administration staff can create an environment that inspires participation and promotion of these values.
It is time for us, as a university community, and specifically the student sector, to recognize our collective power and work towards a future where student participation and social impact are fundamental pillars of the university experience, pressuring institutions to provide us with guarantees and tools to achieve this goal.
My call to action is clear: to urge the university to be a transformative agent, to recognize the fundamental importance of student participation and to assume the social responsibility that it entails.
The future of the university system is to some extent uncertain; however, it is undeniable that its future development must fundamentally prioritize student participation. The lack of this element could cause a regression, leading us to the creation of academic institutions that lack their essential essence: the presence and substantial contribution of the students themselves. Universities can and must change students, but they have a challenge questions: to put the student at the center of their policies.
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